Kombucha Home Recipe
February 5, 2024Kombucha is a fermented beverage hosting many health benefits.
I started my first batch of Kombucha with a Scoby that I bought from a nearby health food store. In the past decade, I made one good batch after another until I had fourteen glass jars sitting in the kitchen! My first production stopped since I moved into another kitchen.
Second time around for my next batch of Kombucha
This time of year, I am focused on healthy eating and drinking Kombucha is part of my plan. I currently have one Kombucha brewing in a one-gallon glass jar. There are about ten to 15 Scoby’s that have formed into one big Scoby. Each batch turns out just right and I am a happy Kombucha camper! If you would like to learn more about buying a Scoby, please contact michele@thepilatesroomnh.com.
Kombucha recipe for first batch
Makes 4 pint size jars
- one gallon glass jar* see notes
- Cheesecloth and a rubber band
- Scoby plus 1/2 cup Kombucha*see notes (either fresh or from a bottle of storebought Kombucha)
- 6 cups of filtered water*see notes
- 1 cup cane sugar*see notes
- 8 black tea bags
The first step is sanitizing your equipment, washing your hands, and working with a clean surface. The one-gallon glass jar can be run through the dishwasher or washed with hot water and soap. Making sure your glass jar is dry and clean.
To make the tea, boil 6 cups of filtered water and 1 cup cane sugar in a saucepot. Bring to a boil, without stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Turn off the heat, add 8 black tea bags. Cover the pot with a lid and let cool completely, or overnight.
Add the Scoby, 1/2 cup prepared Kombucha and the tea into the glass jar. Cover the glass jar with a small piece of cheesecloth and a rubber band. Sit the jar, in a dark area that does not get sunlight for 7-10 days.
Try your Kombucha for taste. Kombucha is a preferred taste. I like mine to have a bite and taste a bit bubbly. Each batch should have some carbonation, that occurs during the fermenting process. Pour your Kombucha into pint size glass jars and keep refrigerated.
The second Kombucha batch
Save your Scoby and about 1 cup of fresh Kombucha for your next batch. Store the Scoby and Kombucha in a clean one glass jar, covered, until you are ready to make your next batch.
To make the second batch, repeat the tea process and make sure you follow the instructions listed above. May you have many epic batches of Kombucha forever and more!
- any one gallon glass jar with work or I found mine on Amazon for $28 (for two), click https://www.amazon.com/kitchentoolz-Gallon-Extra-Large-Glass/dp/B075DLCJG3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MH8814I3T2AK&keywords=one%2Bgallon%2Bglass%2Bjar%2Bwith%2Blid&qid=1707160278&sprefix=one%2Bglass%2Bjar%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
- Either fresh or store bought Kombucha will work in the first batch. I like to use GT’s Synergy raw Kombucha.
- Filtered water works the best!
- Cane sugar is needed for the fermentation of the Kombucha process